Die Rückkehr der Sextouristen: Deutsche Männer in Pattaya

Die Rückkehr der Sextouristen: Deutsche Männer in Pattaya Stream Now
Die Rückkehr der Sextouristen: Deutsche Männer in Pattaya
Feb 27, 2023
Wolfgang Luck, Surachate Hakparn

Synopsis Die Rückkehr der Sextouristen: Deutsche Männer in Pattaya

Prostitution is banned in Thailand, yet every year about 400,000 men from Germany travel to the Asian country. The so-called sex tourists spend a few nice days in the coastal city of Pattaya with bought "girlfriends" and thus circumvent the prostitution ban. Besides seemingly harmless sex meetings, however, there is also child prostitution, which has worsened especially since the Corona lockdown and also poses major problems for the police.

  • Luckfilm
  • Wolfgang Luck
  • Surachate Hakparn

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