The Sabinal Canyon

The Sabinal Canyon Stream Now
The Sabinal Canyon
Dec 25, 2015
Alice LeMond, Anne Woodley, Bill Schaefer, Chad Hillis, Charles Chaney, David Hillis, Ernen Haby, Jack McClain

Synopsis The Sabinal Canyon

This 2015 documentary about the history behind the Sabinal Canyon in Texas. The story starts in the Hill Country where Cap. William Ware was given land for his years of service and after moving there started Waresville. After his death the town was moved about half a mile north and was called Montana but after a man was healed by swimming in the Sabinal river for a year the town was renamed Utopia. The movie also talks about town of Vanderpool as well as the Lost Maples state park.

  • JT Features
  • Alice LeMond
  • Anne Woodley
  • Bill Schaefer
  • Chad Hillis
  • Charles Chaney
  • David Hillis
  • Ernen Haby
  • Jack McClain

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