Elon Doesn't Believe in Death

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Elon Doesn't Believe in Death
Apr 27, 2017
Rômulo Braga, Clara Choveaux, Lourenço Mutarelli, Germano Melo, Grace Passô, Silvana Stein, Maria José Novais Oliveira, Helvécio Alves Izabel

Synopsis Elon Doesn't Believe in Death

As he does every single day, Elon goes to meet his wife at her workplace, but she is not there. He doesn’t find her at home as well, so he starts to retrace the path Madalena makes daily. In the morning after, Elon goes to the police station and files a report, runs into hospitals, morgues. Alone, he wanders through a metropolis, searching for news about the sudden and mysterious disappearance of his wife.

  • Punta Colorada de Cinema
  • Entrefilmes
  • Rômulo Braga
  • Clara Choveaux
  • Lourenço Mutarelli
  • Germano Melo
  • Grace Passô
  • Silvana Stein
  • Maria José Novais Oliveira
  • Helvécio Alves Izabel

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