A Hoosier Romance

A Hoosier Romance
Aug 18, 1918
Colleen Moore, Thomas Jefferson, Harry McCoy, Edward Jobson, Eugenie Besserer, Frank Hayes, Billy Jacobs

Synopsis A Hoosier Romance

Pretty Patience Thompson, a "girl with a singing soul," lives with her cold-hearted and avaricious father, Jeff Thompson, on their Indiana farm. Her life of drudgery is brightened by John, the hired hand, but when he asks for her hand in marriage, the old man flies into a rage and discharges him. Soon an aged but wealthy widower courts Patience, and although she still loves John, "Old Jeff" orders her to marry the widower, claiming that a father's will is the law.

  • Selig Polyscope Company
  • Colleen Moore
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Harry McCoy
  • Edward Jobson
  • Eugenie Besserer
  • Frank Hayes
  • Billy Jacobs

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