Pat & Mat - S07

Pat & Mat - S07
Jan 01, 2018

Seasons (8)

Episodes (13)

1. Christmas Card2. Glazed Frost3. Carp4. Calamity5. New Year6. Nativity Scene7. Gifts8. Christmas Lights9. Potato Salad10. Gingerbread House11. Igloo12. Sauna13. Tree

Synopsis Pat & Mat - S07

For the first time, see Pat and Mat enjoying winter. How will they handle the decoration of their houses for Christmas? And what presents will they find under the tree? And do they have the same tree as we all know, or will they make their own special one? How will they solve the snow calamity, and what new machine will they make? After having fun in the snow, a hot sauna would be perfect, so let's build it! And how do they celebrate the end of the year?

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