BuBu ChaCha - S01

BuBu ChaCha - S01
Apr 29, 1999
Atsuko Tanaka, Taeko Kawata, Yuuko Sasamoto, Cho, Takuma Suzuki

Seasons (1)

Episodes (52)

1. The Baby Dinosaur2. Clouds are mysterious3. The ghost apartment4. A big ship adventure5. Mommy and daddy's treasure6. Mommy does not feel so good7. A dangerous drive!8. Buddy's princess costume9. The Mysterious Bones10. Mary's Dark Black Clouds11. Robot Trouble12. The Mysterious Wind13. The Salmon Goes Upstream14. My Good Friend ChaCha15. The Baby Cousin Comes to visit16. Daddy's Forgotten Treasure17. ChaCha Stays at Home18. Friends in the Forest19. The Snow Prince20. ChaCha and the Big Race21. The Mysterious Tunnel22. The Teacher's Tree23. The Big Secrets24. Dragonfly in the Sky25. Buddy's Orchestra26. Buddy's First Camera27. The Solar engine28. The Other side of the rainbow29. A big sand castle30. They're playing with everyone31. Robo Bull is a Hero32. The Smell of Wonder33. The Feverish circus34. Raindrops are lots of Fun35. Dangerous Leopard36. Let's Go! - Chip!37. Whose Shadow is This?38. Ta, Ta, Ta...Dance Organ39. Tau is moving40. Lots Of Imagination41. Same As I Saw In The Dream42. The Cat That Became A Boot43. Randy's Stamp44. PapaRat In Trouble45. The Friend In The Mountain46. The Snow Friends47. The Mysterious Lady That Came By A Ship48. The Story of Talking Clogs49. ChaCha's Big Trip50. Cheer Up With An Auto Race51. Mary's Wish52. The Infinite Ocean In The sky

Synopsis BuBu ChaCha - S01

Randy and ChaCha (Randy's pet dog) are best of friends. One day, ChaCha passes away, and turns into a star to watch over Randy. But ChaCha decides to return to Randy in the form of a toy car. Randy and ChaCha keep this secret to their own selves, and off they go to their adventures, where they learn that every little thing is a big discovery.

  • Atsuko Tanaka
  • Taeko Kawata
  • Yuuko Sasamoto
  • Cho
  • Takuma Suzuki

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