Death Battle! - S02

Death Battle! - S02
May 31, 2013
Ben Singer, Chad James, Chris Guerrero

Seasons (11)

Episodes (32)

1. He-Man Vs Lion-O2. Shao Kahn VS M. Bison3. Ryu Hayabusa VS Strider Hiryu4. Ivy VS Orchid5. Fox VS Bucky6. Terminator VS RoboCop7. Luigi VS Tails8. Pokémon Battle Royale9. Fulgore VS Sektor10. Godzilla VS Gamera11. Batman VS Captain America12. Tigerzord VS Gundam Epyon13. Ryu VS Scorpion14. Deadpool VS Deathstroke15. Kirby VS Majin Buu16. Gaara VS Toph17. Ragna VS Sol Badguy18. Boba Fett VS Samus Aran REMASTERED19. Chuck Norris VS Segata Sanshiro20. Guts VS Nightmare21. Iron Man VS Lex Luthor22. Beast VS Golliath23. Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher24. Darth Vader VS Doctor Doom25. Goku VS Superman 226. Donkey Kong VS Knuckles27. Wolverine VS Raiden28. Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki29. Yang VS Tifa30. Mega Man VS Astro Boy31. Green Arrow VS Hawkeye32. Pokemon VS Digimon

Synopsis Death Battle! - S02

Pop culture's deadliest characters fight to the death! Experts Wiz and Boomstick analyze the fighters' weapons, armor, and skills to find the decisive, unquestionable winner. It's your dream match-ups come to life!

  • Ben Singer
  • Chad James
  • Chris Guerrero

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